Comments on: Enfamil vs. Similac: Which is the Best Baby Formula? Wed, 08 Nov 2023 18:11:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Samantha Tue, 03 Mar 2020 23:48:50 +0000 In reply to Dennisse.

Hi I’m a mother of three I breastfed my twin girls had no problem I have a 6 month old and iv used only breast milk but I’m getting low on supply and I tried to give her formula she refuses it what is the best formula that is closest to breast milk any one would recommend I was thinking between the enfamil enspire or happy baby organics please help any mothers that know what I’m going threw I never had to do this with the other kids

By: Elle Sat, 16 Nov 2019 00:26:44 +0000 Forgot to mention his poop turned green on Gentlease , that concerned me .

By: Elle Sat, 16 Nov 2019 00:25:45 +0000 I was using Enfamil infant on my LO but it made him really bloated , his pooo though looked like that from a breastfed baby. I decided to try the Gentlease but that made him extra gassy and fussy . Not sure which try try now . Or maybe try some gas
Drops, he doesn’t really spit up

By: Mariz Tue, 24 Sep 2019 16:59:05 +0000 In reply to New mom.

Hi, my baby is 3 months olds but upon observing my baby is not making poop everyday and his having rushes in his face from birth , I wanted to change milk for him can you suggest which milk is better for him . Right now he is using Similac 1 thanks for suggestion.

By: Roxy Sun, 25 Aug 2019 05:21:10 +0000 Thank you so much for doing this article! I’ve been going crazy going from website to website trying to find all the information listed here. Definitely adding this site to my favorites

By: Michelle Hand, Editor Tue, 30 Jul 2019 13:16:30 +0000 In reply to Anneliese Wright.

Hi there!

I’m not sure which Similac formula the baby is using, so it’s hard to pinpoint an exact ingredient. It could possibly be the high concentration of milk-based ingredients in most Similac formulas, especially Similac Advance. If baby has been used to breast milk, it could take some time for their little tummy to get used to breaking down those milk proteins.

I would suggest giving it a little bit of time to see if the constipation resolves itself. If it doesn’t, talk to baby’s doctor and see what they suggest. You could always try the Similac for Supplementing, which could be a good way to introduce formula to a previously breastfed baby. You could also try Enfamil’s Reguline formula, which helps babies with chronic constipation. We discuss both of them in detail in our Best Formula article:

I hope things start to get better for baby, and soon! Hope these suggestions are helpful!

By: Anneliese Wright Wed, 24 Jul 2019 18:24:06 +0000 In reply to Dennisse.

I’m a nanny. The baby I watch switched from breast milk to Similac at 5 months old & then started getting constipation. Is there an ingredient in it that causes stool to harden? Would Enfamil be better?

By: Michelle Hand, Editor Mon, 24 Jun 2019 22:34:23 +0000 In reply to Priya.

Hi there!

Sorry to hear that your baby is having feeding troubles!

A couple of things to keep in mind here.
1- Babies go through stages where they eat more or less than usual. This could just be a phase in her growth and she could decide to eat like normal in the near future.
2- Your pediatrician knows best. When it comes to feeding troubles, you can’t be too careful. Always check with your baby’s doctor when you make changes to their formula or their feeding routine. Plus, they can help rule out allergies or digestive issues that could be the culprit.

That being said, maybe try the Similac 2′ -FL HMO Pro Advance, which is very similar to the Enfamil NeuroPro, to see if she likes the flavor better. You could also switch to Enfamil Gentlease, which she may like better since it’s easier to digest.

Hope these suggestions help you, and that your baby’s appetite is back to normal in no time!

By: Priya Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:16:22 +0000 Hiii,
We are using Enfamil neuro pro for my 3 month old from birth. But now she is not taking any interest to complete the bottle.she just has 2 ounces and refuses to take more and seems to be frustrated to drink more. Which formula can I switch to ?

By: Michelle Hand, Editor Fri, 31 May 2019 13:25:39 +0000 In reply to Jenn.


Finding the right formula can be quite the quest. I would recommend trying the Similac Alimentum formula mentioned in the article, since it is made for sensitive tummies that might be prone to gas.

You can also check out this article we have, which covers all the best formulas for gassy babies: There are some great suggestions in there, along with good explanations for why they work well for different issues.

I hope you find the right formula soon! Thanks for commenting! Oh, and be sure to let us know which one finally works for you!
